Sunday, May 9, 2021

Funny wreck


CB750s make the best Funny chops!!!
This is a great one to bring back to life! Unfortunatly it is not mine!


  1. that bike can be vastly improved with lots of elbow grease. without purchasing a lot of new/used parts. very worthy bike. I love it.

    1. I bet it will turn out pretty decent with loads of steel wool and polish. My hands itch when i see stuff like this!!!

  2. I hate doing the rims, spokes and hubs the most but it's got to be done. I will be cosmetically refurbishing a 67 BSA Starfire 250 soon. I have a new idea about refurbishing rusty wheels and ugly spoke using water based Aluminum paint {brush on} and tile grout mixed together making a simulated vintage patina. very hard to explain without doing it then taking pics with explanations. the bike will look period correct original (although not} it must be very clean and nice to touch, presentable for indoor display, custom period used aftermarket parts and no lights. it's gonna be very nice looking, none running, display bike, parked in my living room. the wheels and spokes will be irritating tiresome. I will not replace them, I will force them to obey.

    1. yeah the spoke wheels are killer for your hands. I really get brutal on them using a brass wire brush, but busted hands are inevitable.
      The vintage looking paint job you're going tot do on your BSA sounds great! IT's going to be a desert sled type of bike then?

    2. I was thinking more like a fantasy period looking stunt ramp jumping bike. or possibly a Catalina Grand Prix looking type bike but without the racing number plates.
