Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to MURAL!

An all time favorite tank I have was looking so cool with the awesome simple sunset paintjob, my bike screamed for something more. The crazy frank was plain black with some scuffs and bruises from the years on the road. Perfect canvas for some spraycan wickedness. That's right, no airbrush was used in the making of this painting! Only 2 spraycans: red and yellow, some masking tape, fineline tape and some degreaser liquid.
the tank I had, and I wanted the fender to match.

Get your average beat up crazy Frank, or any fender of your liking ;-) clean it if you like it that way!
tape out a panel with 3M fineline tape (as found in your auto supply store)

mask the shit out of it!

Add mountains!

Spray the yellow basecoat

and here is where I forgot to take some more pics of the step inbetween! lovely paintfumes! Anyway, after the yellow basecoat, tear up a piece of paper to act like clouds. Spray red carefully. Dry with a hairdryer. Spray sun with yellow. Remove mountain masking tape, and follow the bottom line of your panel with red paint to add illusion of evening mist.
remove blue tape and cover in clear. You're all done!

add seat and take a step back. Open up that 3rd can of beer! Your Bob Ross, enjoy it!

the somewhat matching endresult. It doesn't always have to be perfect! 

I just love this version! Luckily I have all the parts in stock to build it like this again...
Well guys, I hope this brings some inspiration to you all! If you replace the red and yellow with grey and blue, you can get a nice snowy mountain top mural! the possibilities are endless!


  1. "....and here is where I forgot to take some more pics of the step inbetween!"

    Hilarious! Nice pj,btw.

  2. Are you PuertoRican? Cause you got mad spraypaint skills yo!

  3. Bob Ross eat your heart out!

    bij wijze van spreken dan

