Noticed this post and thought I'd weigh in. The above pic looks british, judging the cars. And the below pic is a photo of Armond Bletchers panhead : ) awesome pics
Hi Daniel! Or could the top pic be swedish!? Two Saab's in a row wouldn't in be any other country! haha Didn't know it was big guy Armond Bletchers bike! was just a cool pic saved on the computer... Thanks for weighing in man, cheers!
Noticed this post and thought I'd weigh in. The above pic looks british, judging the cars. And the below pic is a photo of Armond Bletchers panhead : ) awesome pics
ReplyDeleteHi Daniel! Or could the top pic be swedish!? Two Saab's in a row wouldn't in be any other country! haha
ReplyDeleteDidn't know it was big guy Armond Bletchers bike! was just a cool pic saved on the computer...
Thanks for weighing in man,